Sky Smart Sms Faq :
When the mobile/modem connection with this Sky SMS Blaster software becomes failed?
- Make sure your mobile device supports serial port (SPP) connection service via data cable or Bluetooth.
- Restart your mobile device (OFF then ON the device), Incase if you are using GSM modem then unplug the device from the system and then plug again with the system.
- Check the battery and signal level of your mobile device whether it has enough charge to send the SMS.
- Check whether your modem device is plugged correctly ( without any loose connection)
- If you have enabled the security code in your mobile device then unlock that code.
- Make sure that the device driver is already installed in your system. Otherwise, install the device driver and then restart your system after completing the installation.
When SMS becomes failed to all given mobile numbers?
- Make sure whether your mobile device is in 'ON' state.
- Check SIM card whether it is inserted properly.
- Check battery and signal level of your mobile device and SIM card respectively.
- Check whether your modem device is connected properly ( without any loose connection)
- Check whether you have minimum balance for sending message (like, prepaid users).
- Sometimes your service provider’s network may be in busy state.
- Some mobile devices allow only limited characters to send SMS. So, Check with your given SMS, which is not exceeding the limit. Else, Restart your device and try again to send SMS.
When SMS becomes slow in sending process?
- By default some mobile devices sent SMS very slowly
- Sometimes our service provider's network is busy that causes slow in SMS sending process.
- Sky SMS Blaster software takes 3 to 4 seconds for to send a SMS.
- Check the length of the SMS.